Hamburgers and Christina Aguilera

Sarah is away this weekend and secretly worrying about Hannah and Hettie who will be left under the guard of David, who has to fend for himself while she is away. As it happens Hannah and Hettie were in for a treat. David decided to get a take-away rather than cook, so he went up to the local fish and chip shop. But when he looked at the menu decided instantly to have chips and a hamburger 'with the lot'. On the way back home David nibbled at the chips and by the time he got home the edge was taken off his appetite just a little. The hamburger was huge and it came in one of those polystyrene containers with a flip back lid. So David decided not to have the burger bun and instead flipped open both halves of the lid to create two side by side bowls. He then cut up the bun and placed a half in each side of the container. You see Hettie just loves burger buns so this was a real treat. Hours later there were bits of bun if there had been a bun explosion. Hannah had taken her half and was in heaven in her bed...basically the bath with a towel in it. So Sarah needn't worry. Hannah and Hettie are doing just fine and listening to Christina Aguilera as they eat.

Thinking of Rielle Hunter and John Edward

I crept in the other night and got caught again. Couldn't find my back out and there was no food on offer. Sometimes they just don't know how important it is to get food first. Not happy with the portion size so I'll have to sort that out with the management. Had to wait until supper time for more food. Dad would get up then Mum. They would both shuffle papers, put the kettle on and do all sorts of tiny activities, but still no supper! I kept going to our apartment door and peered in to glance at the dinner table, but still nothing in the bowls. I did this several times and it got quite boring. For a long time I stared at Dad with hungry thoughts. He just looked at me and then turned back to the TV. I decided to take root in the apartment even though it was dark. If I stayed close to the door I could either escape or be first at the table. I was miles away thinking of Rielle Hunter and John Edward when Dad peered around the door and went BOO! I nearly shit myself! It really made me jump so I gave him this feeble strained hiss that wouldn't scare a leaf. He really made me jump. So when I had my supper I did a real big smelly poo in the tray. Only thing is I forgot the tray is in our apartment so it wasn't too pleasant for a while!