Women, Food and God...plus fur ankle boots!

Like velcro Hettie still drags half the garden into and throughout the house every time she comes in. Bits of leaf and twigs stick to her back end and tail like glue. All this and she still has her knots problem. Her fur just twists and curls from all that lying down to sleep all day. The knots are quite big, like marbles. So when we went off to Albury last weekend we asked the Vet to give Hettie a trim under her tummy. We've been through this before ..when she came back looking like a poodle, so we are always very clear now about what we want.
This time a simple trim under the tummy turned out to be her back end shaved at an angle and her rear...basically bum...shaved to the skin from her crack all down her back legs to just above her ankles. Not a good thing in the Winter months. Anyway, she now looks like she is wearing skin tight leggings with furry little boots.
Guess its back to to read Women, Food and God by Geneen Roth. There must be an answer there.

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