The Boy Who Was Raised As a Dog, Bruce D Perry and Chicken for Dinner

It's raining today. Well, it is now. First thing this morning it was okay. I thought Mum and Dad would have longer in bed as it's Sunday. Mum got up to make tea and give us breakfast. Hettie gobbled something down and then shot outside. I thought I would have a bit of time curled up on the bed...but no, they were both up like a shot and getting dressed. Heading off to Balmain apparently to have breakfast. 
So now it is raining. The wet drops of water are cold. I don't feel them at first because my coat is so thick. Eventually though the water starts to make its way down to my skin and by then its all too late and I look so tatty. I have to spend so much time with my legs up around my neck trying to dry my bits and my coat. You see when you are a high class pussy cat there are standards of beauty that you have to comply with. Because I'm purrfect I have to be always looking good.
I think I can smell chicken in the oven. Mmm...its good. If I hang around long enough and make a fuss I just might get some.

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