Not Without Hope...Cold Winter's and Nick Schuyler

I love my Mum. I love my Mum all the time. She is so good to us. I know she is good and I know that she loves me and Hettie. I think that Hettie needs to keep her nose out a bit more and let me have all the love and warmth. Loving Mum is warm coz we snuggle up in the bed on Saturday and Sunday mornings and in the evening when she watches the picture box. I just stretch out and relax and soak up all the love and warmth. Us pussycats need that warmth during these cold winter nights, especially when you are left outside all day. Its hard work being a little cat trying to keep warm, so I deserve a big long rest in the evenings after dinner. That Nick Schuyler thinks he had it all tough looking all sorrowful on the TV...just because he got caught in deep water. He did loose his friends though and I'm really sorry about that..but people don't realise how tough it is being a cat!

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