The Adventures of...

The Adventures of Hannah and Hettie are taken from the daily diaries of the people in their life. Dad is David and he is married to Sarah who Hannah and Hettie think is their Mum. Well she a way, but of course not their real Mum, just as David is not their real Dad. Sarah thinks her little cats are gorgeous and they are her 'babies'!
On the other hand its difficult to know what David thinks. He goes to extraordinary lengths to protect and look after Hannah and Hettie, yet sometimes they are obviously so annoying that he doubts they have a single brain cell between them. There will be more on their Pooh Bear like intelligence later in the diaries.
I am the Observer. I just am. I observe this cat family and comment from afar. You see, I write my own diary about Hannah and Hettie and the people in their lives. I am the observer of the adventures of Hannah and Hettie and no-one knows that I am watching!

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