Glee Cats

Everything  is quiet here. No sight or sound of cats. Just the odd trail of fur here and there and bits of carpet that they have sprung from their claws. Where Hannah and Hettie are only God knows. I suspect that they are in some little corner, hidden within a bush or under the house. I dare not say their names out loud. On hearing her name Hannah will appear like a sudden mist and start blinking due to having to expose her eyes to the light from waking and then complaining bitterly in the process. Hettie on the other hand will hear her name and just ignore us until she feels hungry, which lately is most of the time. You can always tell where Hettie has been because she has Velcro fur. Everything sticks to it...leaves, twigs, saw dust, food...just anything. Miraculously it starts to fall off her body as soon as she enters the house leaving bits everywhere. At least one item seems to stick like glue and she wanders around with some fashion accessory most of the evening.  They will soon turn up though as their favourite TV show Glee is about to start.

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